Dreamland Archives - Ult Pop Music Review Blog Tue, 10 Jan 2023 09:18:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.2 https://ultpop.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/cropped-UltPop-Favicon-32x32.jpg Dreamland Archives - Ult Pop 32 32 Dream Pop Lucy Dreams unveil new track and music video ‘Dreamland’ https://ultpop.com/dream-pop-lucy-dreams-unveil-new-track-and-music-video-dreamland/ Mon, 02 Aug 2021 05:32:42 +0000 https://ultpop.com/?p=1000 Vienna-based Dream Pop Lucy Dreams have unveiled their latest single, ‘Dreamland’. The first taste of their upcoming debut album Götterfunken, the song is a dreamy synth pop tune with catchy lyrics that will leave listeners in awe. Consisting of David Reiterer, Philipp Prückl and an independent system of digital and analogue effects, Lucy. The A.I. […]

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Vienna-based Dream Pop Lucy Dreams have unveiled their latest single, ‘Dreamland’. The first taste of their upcoming debut album Götterfunken, the song is a dreamy synth pop tune with catchy lyrics that will leave listeners in awe.

Consisting of David Reiterer, Philipp Prückl and an independent system of digital and analogue effects, Lucy. The A.I. Lucy, was born in David and Philipp’s time tinkering with music recording software, but has grown to be an accepted member of the group who they affectionately call Lucy as an A.B. – artificial band member.

The accompanying music video for ‘Dreamland’ captures the essence of this track, combining enchanting visuals in futuristic scenes. As the scenes switched from one to another, I was awed by the stunning and breathtakingly beautiful experience.

What sets them apart from other dream pop bands? You can’t really compare them with anything else right now because their sound is distinct, combined with the concept of having an A.I. as a member is so unique. You’ve never seen anything quite like this.

We had the opportunity to speak with David Reiterer and asked about their process on creating this dreamy music masterpiece.

Welcome to Ult Pop, Lucy Dreams! Congratulations on the release of your new single, ‘Dreamland.’ As a new listener of your music, we’re curious how did you develop the idea for this project, including the artificial band member Lucy?

Thank you! Well, there’s the two of us, Phil and me. And Lucy, an independent system of digital and analogue effects, which we developed specifically for music production. Now, Lucy can be understood as an A.I. – but, the connection between her and us has become a far more intimate one, because Lucy is deeply involved in the songwriting process. So, we see Lucy as an A.B., an artificial band member.

What does the visualizer for ‘Dreamland’ represent: what were your influences while creating it? Did you see anything that influenced this work, or was it an original idea all the time?

We believe in a space beyond reality. A fictional place you create in your head, where you find shelter and in which you start to make your dreams real. With the track ‘Dreamland’, we want to share our very own and personal space with everybody out there. The track is a journey to a colorful and unknown galaxy, both for us and hopefully also for the listeners. We borrowed the visuals from a great artist called VISUALDON. The clips used in the music video represent exactly what we feel and what we believe in.

Besides the music and the visuals, what was your favorite part about creating ‘Dreamland?’

Definitely the interaction with Lucy. Her ideas have been the basis for important parts of the song, for example the four-note melody introducing the second chorus. The way Lucy processes what we feed her with is just incredible, and again and again leaves us speechless while producing.

If your listeners want to check out ‘Dreamland,’ what is the best way for them to do so while fully supporting Lucy Dreams?

The best support we can imagine is when people share our dreams, what we believe in. The dream team is constantly growing. It’s all the people from all over the world who we are in contact with via music. If you want to find out more about it, just drop by at lucydreams.net.

What's next for you?

We are passionately working on a full-length LP at the moment. It will be called ‘Götterfunken’ and shall be released later this year. Also, we will hit the stages again soon, of course together with Lucy. 

Available on different streaming platforms: Spotify, Apple Music and Deezer. Listen now!

Lucy Dreams ‘Dreamland’ is also included on our handpicked tracks for Ulp Pop. Check out our playlists by clicking on this link.

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