Charlie Smith I’ve Got the Method I’ve Got The Means
Source: Charlie Smith  

‘I’ve Got the Method I’ve Got The Means’ by Charlie Smith

Lo-fi rock solo artist Charlie Smith has released a song called ‘I’ve Got The Method I’ve Got The Means.’

It showcases a sound that is reminiscent of Kurt Cobain combined with a lo-fi aesthetic. 

Unconventional Lyrics Add to the I've Got the Method I've Got The Means' Unique Tone

The song’s tone is described as interesting, possibly hinting at its uniqueness or originality. The lyrics, which include some indecipherable mumbles and natural sound bleeds, may contribute to this overall tone. Intentionally using unconventional elements such as indecipherable mumbles and natural sound bleeds, the song aims to create a specific mood or atmosphere.

Charlie Smith infuses the song “I’ve Got The Method I’ve Got The Means” with a sense of hopelessness through certain lyrics. Thus, by using the line “Isn’t about her despite what it seems,” Smith possibly refers to a relationship that is not what it seems on the surface, which could cause the listener to feel despair or disillusionment.

Moreover, the lyrics “would understand if you had this disease” could have multiple interpretations. They could express empathy towards someone suffering from an illness or an understanding for a problem the singer is facing.

Overall, the inclusion of these lines in the song contributes to a feeling of hopelessness or despair that resonates throughout the track. Thus, it is possible that these emotions represent the singer’s feelings or those of a character in the song.

With the 8-track album under his belt including this song, it’s clear that he has what it takes to impress.

Available on different streaming platforms: Spotify, Apple Music and Deezer. Listen now!

Also, ‘I’ve Got The Method I’ve Got The Means.’ is included on our ‘Soundtracks of the Up and Coming’. Check out our playlists by clicking on this link.

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