General Inquiries

We would love to hear from you! Email us at with any general or business inquiries.

We want to give you as much control over your work on our website. If there is something we are using that bothers you, please let us know! We will do whatever it takes to make sure everyone has a good experience and feels comfortable with their info/images being used by others.

All materials are copyrighted to or from their respective owners.

Submit Your Music to Ult Pop!

You get to submit by filling out our submission form below. It will ask you everything we need to create for you a proper feature. Responses may vary, so don’t spam us doing follow-ups if we don’t reply right away!

We promise that all the songs we play are what we really love and not paid-off lip service to get a big label deal or some other nonsense like that. At Ult Pop, it’s just about good music with no strings attached!